Hitchhiking Along the Romans Road

Hitchhiking Along the Romans Road

I have three kids. My wife also has three kids. They are – as far as we can tell – the same kids, despite their predilections for pulling rather convincing Jekyll-and-Hyde acts depending on which one of us is presently crushing their tiny, obstinate wills into...
Missed It by That Much

Missed It by That Much

Missed It by That Much Note: The following is based solely on my recollection of events. It’s been 20 years, 4 job changes, 3 kids and 2 moves since this story took place, so forgive my .5% fudge factor. Also, I’ve left out the names of most of the people involved to...
Hitchhiking Along the Romans Road

Temple of Dad

If I’ve learned one thing about the internet, it’s that it is okay to spell it with a lowercase “I” in spite of what my 2008 version of Microsoft Word believes. But the eternal battle against Clippy aside, I’ve also gleaned that the internet is full of knowledge....