ConAgra Foods

ConAgra Foods

ConAgra Foods – Alexia When availability on the giant (if awkwardly formatted) NASDAQ video board in Times Square fortuitously fell into the lap of our client, ConAgra Foods, they contacted my agency to create something for their Alexia brand that would be worthy of...
Mo’ Myrrh, Mo’ Problems

Mo’ Myrrh, Mo’ Problems

Back in olden days (before 1972 for reasons that make me middle-aged), Christmas shopping was relatively easy. The postman hauled the Sears Wish Book to your house, your kids tore out what they wanted and taped the pictures to the dog, you bought a few of said items...
Calling a Sexist a Sexist

Calling a Sexist a Sexist

My disdain for’s advertising tactics is no secret to those who know me – either in real life or through this blog. Every year, in my Obligatory Super Hole review of the game’s commercials, I automatically give the company’s spots...
Carlson & Burnett

Carlson & Burnett

Carlson & Burnett Mention “personal injury attorney” to most people and you’re liable to witness the textbook definition of a gag reflex. But who says personal injury attorneys have to be obnoxious blowhards nicknamed “The Mallet of Justice” who shout through...
Mo’ Myrrh, Mo’ Problems

Elisha’s White School Paste

Dearest Parent(s) and/or Guardian(s) and/or Child(ren) Who Stole This From the Mailbox, It’s that time of year again! School days, school days, dear old Golden Rule days. Ha ha ha! At least it will be here at St. Ignatius Coram Deo Academy of the Three Crosses...