Nebraska City

Nebraska City

Nebraska City Spoiler alert: This campaign led to sales tax revenues increasing 10% year-over-year despite the fact that main artery into town was closed for construction for most of the summer. And now back to waxing poetic. Nebraska City has a lot of things going...
Reign of the Easter Goat

Reign of the Easter Goat

Easter, as a holiday, is a bit confusing. The effect to Christmas’s cause, Easter sits as the defining moment of Christianity, representing the singular event without which our faith is futile, our morality meaningless and our affinity for alliteration even more...

iLove You, iLove You Not

Let me say up front that I am torn, like Natalie Imbruglia but without the naked floor writhing, by the new Verizon campaign for the Droid. Which is a phone that has long been sold exclusively to the moisture farmers of Tatooine. The campaign, which is meant to launch...