A Hundred Jokes-a-Bombing

A Hundred Jokes-a-Bombing

In the words of the actually quite-hard-to-understand Charlie Brown chorale, Christmastime is here…carols everywhere. And of all the carols to be found decking the halls with Muzak, my least favorite is “The Little Drummer Boy.” Because, seriously, who invited the kid...
A Hundred Jokes-a-Bombing

A Pox of Kardashians

This winter, few things have been hotter, Biblically speaking, than the Exodus. Hotter than the Second Coming. Hotter than driving your life purposefully. Hotter than C.S. Lewis at the New Converts class. Hotter than naming your hipster-friendly side service “The...
Testify, Martin! Testify!

Testify, Martin! Testify!

I’ve always loved The Martin Agency. I like the fact that they’re in Richmond, Virginia, and not in some semi-livable urban Thunderdome. I like the fact that their work has been consistently above average-to-great for years upon years. I don’t like...
A Hundred Jokes-a-Bombing

Runnin’ With the Angels

Halloween means many things to many people. To some, it is a chance to publicly consume candy corn with 90-percent less ridicule. To others, the pseudo-holiday offers the opportunity to fill up their bags and buckets with all manner of off-brand confections. (Milky...
Testify, Martin! Testify!

I Dream of Salesgenie

Those crazy kids over at Salesgenie.com have given us another fine example of advertising fantastitude. It features an über-precocious little girl, superfluous puppies and a creepy dad. Why is he creepy? Because it’s the same guy from SG’s last ad – the...