

Stripes Convenience Stores By virtue of its takeover-based ubiquity, Stripes had become the dominant convenience store in small towns (and its Corpus Christi hometown) across Texas, parts of New Mexico and bits of Arizona. What it possessed in location, location,...
United Way

United Way

United Way When people ask what my most meaningful piece of work is, I often point to this. While I believe it’s a great film on its own, the backstory of its production lends it a bit more weight. It was our third year working with the United Way of Kansas City. At...
Root Inc.

Root Inc.

Root Inc. Spoiler alert: Shortly, relatively speaking, after completing this project, Root sold to Accenture. While I can only take a smidgen – or perhaps even a skosh – of credit for this, the CEO did and will testify that the brand voice and web copy were singled...
You Can’t Spell “Suzuki” without an S, U or”¦

Your Brand vs. The World

Do you know who your competition is? This is not a trick question. Nor am I expecting you to answer in the negative (although if you did I’d like to interview for that CMO position you so desperately and obviously need). Rather, I would bet that you know exactly who...