The Secret Sauce of Super Success

The Secret Sauce of Super Success

I hope the overly alliterative title tipped you off to the fact that I will not, except possibly in jest, be divulging the recipe to any sort of magical marketing elixir (patent pending). And it’s not because I’m keeping all the sure-fire, sales-inducing snake oil to...
The Secret Sauce of Super Success

Many Happy Returns

What is the point of marketing in general and advertising in particular? This is not a rhetorical question. While the jaded among you might say it’s to employ the lower third of graduating MBA classes, the answer is neither so cynical nor complex. The point of all the...
The Secret Sauce of Super Success

The Obligatory Super Hole IX

Why am I here? Oh yes, to elucidate this year’s crop of Super Bowl broadcast advertisements for upwards of two dozen mildly enthused readers. I shall endeavor to deliver adequate amusement. The guidelines: I only review ads shown during the four quarters of the game,...
The Secret Sauce of Super Success

Sell Softly and Carry a Big Brand

In that specific world where only closers get coffee and WKRP’s Herb Tarlek is spoken of in reverent tones despite being 30 years past his pop culture sell-by date, there exists a special something known as “The Ask.” It most often occurs after a salesperson has given...
The Secret Sauce of Super Success

Boring Your Brand to Death

I’ve recently been tapped to write the advertising column for Omaha B2B magazine – a quarterly publication from the folks behind Omaha Magazine. My agency, Webster, redesigned the magazine’s layout, which you can see here (warning: requires, shudder,...