So Easy a Copywriter Could Do It

Verizon Goes Back to the Well and Drowns

Sigh. I really, really dug the original “BFF Jill” spot that Verizon Wireless ran to promote their unlimited text messaging plans. It was simple, smart, illustrated the problem in a culturally relevant and humorous way and, let’s be honest, was a...
So Easy a Copywriter Could Do It

Martin Makes Amends

I can forgive any Wal-Mart-based travesties The Martin Agency may commit as they have produced my favorite campaign of the summer. The “Loren Wallace” (or Warren Wallace for those, like me, who don’t quite hear the name correctly) campaign for NASCAR...
So Easy a Copywriter Could Do It

Testify, Martin! Testify!

I’ve always loved The Martin Agency. I like the fact that they’re in Richmond, Virginia, and not in some semi-livable urban Thunderdome. I like the fact that their work has been consistently above average-to-great for years upon years. I don’t like...