For Once I’m Glad Burl Ives is Dead

Joe Montana and Ronnie Lott are Itchy

I was riffling through my collection of TV ads (assembled before the dawn of YouTube) and came across this favorite. From — sing it with me, Conan — the year 2000, Traktor directed this Tivo spot for Goodby. Maybe you’ve heard of them. Sorry for the...
For Once I’m Glad Burl Ives is Dead

Merry Christmas, JC Penney

I started today thinking I was going to have to skewer Lowe’s for sending out a circular that called Chrstmas trees “family trees.” But Lowe’s has already issued a statement saying that this was a result of a proofing (or lack thereof) error,...
For Once I’m Glad Burl Ives is Dead

Sticks and Stones

Things I Have Been Called in My Advertising Career:J-FoJ-Fro (pre-head shaving)The Delicate Genius (probably not a compliment)Goodtime Shoehorn (a story less interesting than you’d think)The Most Difficult Creative to Work With (three years running; probably...