How to Waste (or Not) an MVP

How to Waste (or Not) an MVP

How to Waste (or Not) an MVP I grew up in lovely Independence, Missouri, just off of Interstate 70 approximately six miles east of the Truman Sports Complex. Or, for those who think the main of Kansas City exists in Kansas, the home of stadiums Kauffman (Royals) and...
How to Waste (or Not) an MVP

Greed is the Enemy of Great

With the exception of die-hard Gordon Gecko aficionados, few people will publicly state that “greed is good.” Even though more than a few among us don’t necessarily blanch at the supposed rewards of greed – wealth, power, a snappy (if you opt for suspenders) wardrobe,...
How to Waste (or Not) an MVP

Beating Marketing FOMO

I may not be Nostradamus, Jeane Dixon or even Miss Cleo (and thank goodness, considering they’ve all ceased to be), but I’m fairly confident when I predict that your marketing efforts are seriously behind both the times and the eight ball, and that your company is but...
How to Waste (or Not) an MVP

The Relentless Pursuit of Pablum

As an ad nerd, I love a good tagline. Think different. Just do it. When it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight. We try harder. But taglines (or slogans if you call pop “soda”) are tricky things. They’re quite easy to get wrong – even more so than...