Gasp! Negative Advertising!

Gasp! Negative Advertising!

If there’s one thing I truly do not understand, it’s when clients and even other creatives reject an ad because it is, in their words, “negative.” And I’m not talking about lines like “You’re an idiot if you don’t buy...
Gasp! Negative Advertising!

Huzzah! No Christmas Rant!

For the past couple of years, I’ve gone on a bit of tirade about the use – or lack thereof – of the words “Christmas” in advertising aired during the Christmas season. It always seemed beyond ridiculous that retailers would rather risk offending the millions of...
Gasp! Negative Advertising!

Whither the Wackiness?

Riddle me this, mad men and women: Where did all the eccentric, crazy-haired, close-talking, mumblerific, mad genius (or is that “Real Genius”?) type creatives go? The ones who, as they pass you by, leave a faint whiff of patchouli followed by a...
Gasp! Negative Advertising!

I Am Not a PC

Ever think you’d see this phrase: Crispin Porter + Bogusky just did a montage spot. On purpose.Yeah, neither did I.But a montage is exactly what they did for Round 2 of their $300 million campaign for Microsoft. See the spot below:This spot comes on the heels of...
Gasp! Negative Advertising!

Sticky Sweet Nectar of the Midwest Gods

So my wife and I celebrated our five-year anniversary last night just as you might expect – by watching TV through half-closed eyes minutes after putting the twins down for the evening. Having burned through all of our DVR’ed shows, we were forced to watch...