Mmmmmmmm, Donuts

Mmmmmmmm, Donuts

Finally found something worth breaking my two-month-long silence for: This campaign for Dunkin Donuts from Hill Holiday. Featuring famed OU and Dallas Cowboys football coach Barry Switzer, these spots follow Coach Switzer as he attempts to instill the fighting spirit...
Mmmmmmmm, Donuts

We Really Can All Just Get Along

This commercial was produced by a couple of guys named (maybe) Rhett and Link. The duo claim to make “Custom-built, Micro-Budget Commercials for MicroBilt Customers.” I think that’s all the introduction this spot needs.Later,Fox
Mmmmmmmm, Donuts

Bust Out More Cowbell

You can’t turn on the idjit box lately without hearing about the encroaching evil of the swine flu. Sorry, but I’m having a little difficultly throwing the freak-out switch over an illness that’s easily treated and more easily barbecued. Mmm, pulled...
Mmmmmmmm, Donuts

The Sponge Has No Pants

At the risk of making this an all-Crispin-all-the-time blog, I just can’t let this latest Burger King ad slip by. (If being fodder for every other ad blog out there counts as “slipping by,” that is.) The spot is for Burger King’s SpongeBob...
Mmmmmmmm, Donuts

Hunting Wabbits Windows

Today I really feel like pausing for a moment to be beat the bejeepers out of a comatose horse.Last week, Microsoft—and by extension its advertising agency, Crispin Porter + Bogusky—launched the first spot in what is assumed to be a campaign (if the...
Mmmmmmmm, Donuts

Jack vs. Alex The King

There are two campaigns for which I could write for the rest of my life and be a happy, happy copyslog. The first is ESPN’s “This is SportsCenter” campaign that I believe began just after Uncle Miltie retired. Or 1994. One of those. The second is...