So I managed to catch the last 20 minutes of the premiere of Cavemen last night. If I have to tell you that this show is based upon the Geico auto insurance commercials developed by The Martin Agency then, well, I assume you stumbled here looking for a photo of Rick Astley. (Nearly a third of this blog’s hits come from Google searches for Rick Astley photos. I am an SEO genius.)

Anyway, the show, which is being headed up by copywriter Joe Lawson who did the original campaign, was much better than I thought it would be. The promos for the show – the ones showing the cavemen singing karaoke – did not give me much hope. But the pilot was pretty decent. An instant classic? No. But there’s promise. The actors are pretty good and the writing already has a bit of an edge. Plus, I dare you to go watch the entire first season of “Seinfeld” without wincing more than laughing. Comedy takes time to develop, people. Deal with it.

So, kudos to Joe. May he someday soon give me a job on the writing staff.

