Or did such people ever even exist?
Maybe it’s because I’ve only worked in the midwest and Texas (which is really just a hotter, twangy version of the midwest), but I’ve never actually encountered such people. Sure, I’ve met some oddballs through the years, but they only qualified as odd. They never could make the leap of hyphens to odd-yet-brilliant.
Or maybe it’s because such people are no longer tolerated in today’s building-brands-overnight-while-driving-sales-during-lunch climate. For all our talk about big ideas and how they trump everything, how many agencies – forget about the clients – really embrace what’s required to foster those ideas? How many tolerate the advertising idiot savants who may not be the most eloquent in a meeting (here’s an idea, have the CD present), but can look at a problem from so many different angles that they really do need that 2 p.m. nap on the production room table?
Considering that I was once thought of as the agency kook because I had vintage lava and fiber optic lamps in my cube, well, obviously not enough. Sure, I’m loony as they come on the inside, but no one there knew that.
I think.
But what happened to the diversity – especially of thought – that was supposed to run rampant through a creative department? Sometimes it seems we’ve turned into one giant emo band.
And that cannot be good.
I work for a guy like that. He’s brilliant and weird and British. He’s not always right, but even his wrong answers leave you questioning yourself.
I can be that guy. Flinging audible f-bombs, playing french pop music, drinking green tea, and mashing together an imovie, a new business presentation, a round of POS revisions, a pile of pencil sketches and producing an array of flatulence that can be described as both sonic and eyewatering.
But I’ll bet that guy wouldn’t know he’s that guy. Or if he was he wouldn’t say it. Or atleast he’d want you to think that. Or would he?
Don’t worry Fox, I think you’re pretty frigging weird. For a republican, anyway.
Thanks. I think.
And yes, I did a minor edit to your post. Mom and dad read this.
Now go get your limey boss to give me a job. I promise to only greet him with an ‘ello Guvnah! once a week.
My old boss was all that and a bag of chips – and I survived him.
I dare describe him in detail least this post is Googled and discovered for fear of retribution.
Judge and be judged!