To help market the book – because even books by ad people about advertising don’t just spontaneously sell themselves – the publisher had the idea of taking a simple-though-profound question from the book and soliciting answers to said question at The Happy Soul Industry Official Website of Officialness.
The question: How are you?
The answers will surprise you. So far, it seems that everyone is being quite blunt regarding their current state of happiness or lack thereof. Even though most of the posters appear to be fellow ad geeks, I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they aren’t just spinning yarns.
And here’s the really crazy part: it’s free of Flash, YouTube videos or any hint of Paris Hilton. And that sounds mighty fine to me.
I appreciate the post. I am trying to use the interactive tools we pitch to clients on behalf of this book. I recognize the “How Are You” blog is pretty out there and risky stuff. Hopefully, not reckless. No matter what happens with the book, at least I’m practicing what I preach.
God bless,
You’re welcome, sir. Continued success with the book. I’ll read it once my workload decreases a bit. Hmmm. Better be careful what I wish for. Hate to tempt God to curtail His blessings.