Nike recently released a product called the Nike+ FuelBand – a wristband that measures your calories burned, steps taken, etc. throughout the day and spits the data back out to you via the band’s built-in LED display or on your smartphone. It also converts all your activity into NikeFuel. I have no idea what NikeFuel is, and the two videos I watched at didn’t help. I’m sure it’s some attempt to make the whole affair “social.” But no matter, the concept overall is quite appealing.

As part of its multi-pronged marketing push for the FuelBand, Nike charged filmmaker Casey Neistat with making a short piece about what it means to “make it count,” which is half of the NikeFuel mantra “Life is a sport, make it count.” Neistats’s claims that he ditched his original idea and spent the money on a quick jaunt around the world feel a bit dubious, but the piece is nicely done. Not sure how much spur-of-the-moment action there really is, but his filmmaking instincts are darn good nonetheless. As are his editor’s.

I may actually buy one of these things at some point. Anything to help turn my middle-aged spread back into middle-aged mild sponginess.

