I’m sitting here in the waiting room outside the NICU at lovely Presbyterian Hospital of Plano. The kiddos are asleep and I thought I could use my Slingbox to catch the second half of the Super Bowl. Unfortunately, the same IT Gestapo that rendered my Mail and iChat inoperable has done the same to my Slingbox player. Great. Thanks for helping me out with the productivity, guys. Webmail is super. Really.

Anyway, I managed to catch the first half before we headed up for the 8 o’clock feeding, so I can report on probably 2/3 of the spots (assuming some reran in the second half as is usually the case). My cogent analysis: meh.

Liked FedEx’s jumbo pigeons and Bridgestone’s screaming squirrel — although the cadence of the screaming woodland creatures seemed to mimic the Wazzup guys a bit much. But I’m probably the only person to pay attention to such things. Hated Sobe’s Naomi Campbell (that was here, right?) dancing-with-lizards shtick, and all things SalesGenie.com and GoDaddy.com. Which isn’t shocking.

I’ve actually liked Bud Light’s “No Longer Available in Bud Light” campaign of late, but the fire breather spot was better the first time I saw it three years ago for Dairy Queen.

To be honest, the best thing I saw in the first half that wasn’t part of the game was the piece Fox put together of players, coaches and notable Americans reciting the Declaration of Independence. I know I’m a sucker for that kind of stuff, but it was nicely done. Well, the re-enactors were a touch much, but whatever.

And, of course, Petty rocked. Sadly, all of those songs were popular when I was in high school. Sigh.

