Super Hole IV: Nothin’ But a Tease

Super Hole IV: Nothin’ But a Tease

Super Hole IV: Nothin’ But a Tease Apparently it’s not enough to just have a killer spot on the Super Bowl. Or even a lame spot. No, in this day and age, you have to build an integrated campaign that spans media channels, demographics and Twitter feeds to...


ObjectSpectrum If your definition of the Internet of Things (or IoT for you savvier nerds) is yelling at Alexa when she repeated interprets “play Purple Rain” as “play Chocolate Rain,” then ObjectSpectrum probably isn’t a company...
The Obligatory 2009 Super Hole: Stingers of Meh Edition

The Obligatory Super Hole VI

Six years in, I’m still clinging to the “those that don’t get to produce Super Bowl ads get to critique them.” This year, however, I’ve chosen to not offer letter grades for the spots (except’s automatic F’s). Because let’s not kid ourselves, anyone who...